YPR chapters regularly host fun pro-social events that are open to everyone in the community, but specifically people in recovery and their allies as one of our core activities.
YOUR RECOVERY IS AMAZING, COME EAT COOKIES WITH US ! ! ! PLEASE SHARE ! ! ! BRING PEOPLE TO CELEBRATE! IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL🔅 . Young People in Recovery has magnets to celebrate your breakthroughs. We will also have #crumblcookies which is reason enough to celebrate. . What’s a breakthrough you ask? A breakthrough can be as simple as going to a meeting, or specific lengths of recovery, perhaps you created a boundary or said “I love myself”. Breakthrough magnet for you! Getting back up after a slip, rebuilding a relationship or stepping out of your comfort zone…great work and that my friend is a breakthrough. FIND OUT MORE HERE- https://youtu.be/eoaOeufnc8Q . Collect them as you grow in your recovery – allies welcome! Break on through to the other side with Young People in Recovery. Join the meeting virtually here: https://tinyurl.com/JOINYPRBREAKTHROUGH . Claim your magnet here: https://tinyurl.com/YPRBreakthrough